Compatible replacement for the original LC-123BK / LC-123 yellow ink cartridge.
The quality you get from compatibles is comparable with Brother's own LC-123 cartridge, but at a tiny fraction of the cost. If you want to save on printing, compatible replacements are the first thing to look at!
Ready for use, no chipping required!
(Please note, cartridge neither manufactured nor endorsed by Brother. Trademarks used for identification purposes only.)
* Brother DCP-J132W
* Brother DCP-J152W
* Brother DCP-J4110DW
* Brother DCP-J552DW
* Brother DCP-J752DW
* Brother MFC-J4410DW
* Brother MFC-J4510DW
* Brother MFC-J4610DW
* Brother MFC-J470DW
* Brother MFC-J4710DW
* Brother MFC-J650DW
* Brother MFC-J6520DW
* Brother MFC-J6720DW
* Brother MFC-J6920DW
* Brother MFC-J870DW
NOTE: Due to Brother firmware updates, we cannot at present guarantee that this cartridge will work on printers purchased after August 2014. This also applies to printers whose firmware has been updated since then- for this reason, we strongly advise avoiding firmware updates unless absolutely necessary.