Compatible replacement for the Epson T1304 Yellow "Deer / Stag" cartridge. Save Pounds with Disk Depot's range of compatibles.
Suitable replacement for: Epson T1304 / T-1304 Magenta ("Stag / Deer")
Capacity: 10.1 ml
Yield: Approx. 765 pages (at standard 5% coverage)
You can save pounds on manufacturers' original ink cartridges with our range of compatibles- they're designed to meet the same standards as the official cartridges, but at a much lower price. Sceptical? Read more here!
This compatible cartridge is made by an independent third-party company. It is not manufactured by Epson, and it is not endorsed by them. All trademarks are used for identification purposes only.
This Epson-compatible cartridge is suitable for use with the following printers and devices:-
* Epson Stylus Office BX320 inc. BX320FW / BX-320FW / BX-320-FW (multifunction printer/scanner)
* Epson Stylus Office BX525 inc. BX525WD / BX-525WD / BX-525-WD (multifunction printer/scanner)
* Epson Stylus Office BX625 inc. BX625FWD / BX-625FWD / BX-625-FWD (multifunction printer/scanner)
* Epson Stylus SX525 inc. SX525WD / SX-525WD / SX-525-WD (all-in-one multifunction printer)
* Epson Stylus SX620 inc. SX620FW / SX-620FW / SX-620-FW (all-in-one multifunction printer)
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