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Repair Parts

One Supplied. List of compatible models * Dell Inspiron: 1150, 1420, 1425, 1500, 1501, 1520, 1521, 1525, 1526, 1540, 1555, 1720, 1721, 5150, 5160,...

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2.35mm Centre Pin. One Supplied. List of compatible models * Fujitsu Amilo: 1650 * Fujitsu Esprimo: V5545 Important: Item cannot be returned once...

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2.0mm centre pin version. One Supplied. List of compatible models Gateway: M500, M505 Important: Item cannot be returned once fitted. Please check...

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Centre pin: 2.0mm. One Supplied. Note: Jack shown with removable shield in place List of compatible models * Gateway: 600YGR/600YG2 * Gateway...

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1.65mm centre pin. One Supplied. List of compatible models * Gateway: 200STM * Samsung: Q Series Important: Item cannot be returned once fitted....

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3.0mm centre pin. One Supplied. List of compatible models * Toshiba Satellite M20 Series: (PSM20U), M20-S257, M20-S258, M20-S610 * Toshiba Satellite...

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2.0mm centre pin version. One Supplied. List of compatible models * Gateway Solo: 2200, 2250, 2300, 2500, 2550, 5100 Important: Item cannot be...

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2.0mm centre pin. One Supplied. List of compatible models * Gateway: M275, M305CRV, 400SD4, 400VTX, M405, 450SX4, 450ROG, 450RGH * Gateway Solo: 1150,...

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One Supplied. List of compatible models * Gateway: M350 and M675 models that require 4-pin AC adapter (please check to confirm that laptop has this...

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One Supplied. List of compatible models * Gateway: 200ARC * Samsung: X10, V20, V25, VM6000, VM7000 * Micron: Metrobook VL Plus and Transport GX series...

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1.65mm centre pin version. One Supplied. List of compatible models * HP/Compaq Business Notebook: NC620, NC6220, NC6230, NC8000, NW8000, NX5000 *...

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With 1.65mm Centre Pin. One Supplied. (Please note; this jack does not include the harness, which you will have to reuse). List of compatible models *...

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